BSE危険部位・種別判定 > BSE危険部位、 -
R-Biopharm - 測定原理
ELISA法 - 保管温度
冷蔵 - 毒劇物情報
BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) has been diagnosed first in Great Britain in 1986. The molecular mechanisms of infection are still unresolved, but it is clear, that the Prion protein (prPsc) plays a major role in the transmission and development of the brain disease. Feeding of insufficient heated animal meal is likely to be the main cause of the spread of disease, which has caused more than 180000 dead cows up to the end of 2000. Application of extracts from infected brain induced infection in different animal species. Similar diseases are now described in cows, sheep, goat, cat and many other mammalians. With a high presumption, the new variant of the human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) is caused by infected beef and beef products. The mortality of this disease is 100 %, with 111 deaths in Great Britain up to May 2002. As a protective measurement, animal meal / protein as animal feed is no longer allowed (2000/766/EG) and potential risk material has been banned from food production by the EU (2000/418/EG) / (2001/999/EG).
Der Nachweis von Risikomaterial mittels RIDASCREEN® Risk Material erfolgt über die Bestimmung von saurem Gliafaserprotein (GFAP), einem zellulären Marker, der in hoher Konzentration im ZNS vorkommt.